Sunday, December 4, 2016

Go to God...

I was recently having a little chat with a lovely friend. She was offering encouragement and insight into her own life struggles. She ended with this:"It's ok to have doubts. Just take them to God, not the enemy." Yes!!! That!!! There is something similar that I always tell my kiddos (or rude neighbor kids who hang out at my house for that matter ;)). We speak LIFE in this house! Don't worry though, I am not under the false impression that anger never tries to creep in. Anger is not a feeling that we can just pretend away. It's really WHAT we DO with that anger that matters. So I encourage the children in my house, to come to ME or to DAD, NOT the person they are angry with. If you feel like you hate someone, or want to punch them or call them a mean name - come to ME!!!! I don't want them to go through life just stuffing anger or pretending it's not there. People are REAL and REAL people can be frustrating at times!!! Pretending like everything is skittles and rainbows doesn't make the REAL frustration go away. So, I tell them to come to me!!!

It's the same when we have problems in our lives!!! Whether it's a health issue, trouble in a relationship, dealing with the loss of a job, etc., ignoring the doubts, the fear, the anger, doesn't make these feelings or problems go away! I agree that sometimes we just gotta suck it up and put on our poker face, and, yes, sometimes that helps temporarily. But in the quiet, when we're all alone, sometimes those thoughts, fears, or doubts find themselves creeping back in. Instead of pretending they are not there - GO TO GOD with them. Don't let them just sit there with the enemy and incubate more negativity and doubt in your mind!!! BRING them to the light, bring them to GOD!!!! Let's His Truth pierce through the lies!! When our feelings fail us, we can run to the truth of God. Don't let the enemy have a hay day. Go to God. Bring your fears, bring your doubts, bring your anger - to HIM.

 Philippians 4:6 "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."

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